

This tool uses one or more LLMs to identify rule violations in your code (see how it works for details), so depending on the language models and the quality of the rules you’re using, it’s possible for the linter to produce false positives (hallucinated errors which shouldn’t have been reported) and/or false negatives (real errors that the tool missed).

All built-in rules are extensively tested with evals to ensure that the linter is as accurate as possible by default. We’re also working on a more integrated feedback loop to gather data and improve the linter’s quality over time. If you’re in this feature, please reach out to our team.

Keep in mind that even expert human developers are unlikely to reach perfect accuracy when reviewing large codebases (we all miss things, get tired, get distracted, etc), so the goal of this project is not to achieve 100% accuracy, but rather to surpass human expert-level accuracy on this narrow task at a fraction of the cost and speed.

(we’re using accuracy here as a shorthand for precision / recall)

TODO: This doc is a WIP.